MP3 Archives For Thomas'
Sunday Sermons At EECC
Old Testament MP3 Program Archives Home Page New Testament MP3 Program Archives
"Let's Do More In '24!
7 January 2024
"A New Life For A New Year" (mp3)
14 January 2024
"A Frigid Day At Home" (mp3)
In-Person Church Cancelled
Live Stream Sermon From Home
21 January 2024
"Let's Do 'Church' !" (mp3)
Sermons From Galatians
A Letter For A Misled Church
28 January 2024
Jesus Died For Us -Let's Live For Him (mp3)
Galatians Chapters 1 & 2
4 February 2024
Saved By Faith - Not By Law (mp3)
Galatians Chapter 3
11 February 2024
Saved By Faith - Not By Flesh (mp3)
Galatians Chapter 4
18 February 2024
Walk BY The Spirit - Not FOR The Flesh (mp3)
Galatians Chapter 5
25 February 2024
Sow Into The Spirit - Not Into The Flesh (mp3)
Galatians Chapter 6
More From The Book Of Acts
3 March 2024
The Gospel Is For Anyone Anywhere Part 1 (mp3)
Acts 16:6-17:15
10 March 2024
The Gospel Is For Anyone Anywhere Part 2 (mp3)
Acts 17:10-18:4
Remembering The Atonement & The Resurrection Of Jesus
17 March 2024
"Let The Little Children Come To Jesus!" Sunday (mp3)
24 March 2024
"Palm Sunday" (mp3)
31 March 2024
"SonRise Service" (mp3)

"Resurrection Day Celebration" (mp3)
1st & 2nd Thessalonians
Letters For A Brand New Church
7 April 2024
The Famous Faith Of The Thessalonians (mp3)1 Thessalonians 1-3
14 April 2024
God's Will For Us Is To Be Like Him (mp3)1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:11
21 April 2024
Being A Child of The Light (mp3)1 Thessalonians 5
28 April 2024
Vengeance Belongs To Jesus - Not Us (mp3)2 Thessalonians 1
5 May 2024

Jesus Is Coming - Believe It (mp3)2 Thessalonians 2
12 May 2024
Pray For The 'Good News" Of God (mp3)2 Thessalonians 3
More From The Book Of Acts
19 May 2024

Happy Pentecost, Church! (mp3)Acts 2
26 May 2024
The 'Good News' Of God Goes Onward, Part 1 (mp3)Acts 18
2 June 2024
The 'Good News' Of God Goes Onward, Part 2 (mp3)Acts 19
1st Corinthians
Letter To A Church In Turmoil
9 June 2024
Jesus Is God's Power & Wisdom (mp3) Part 1
1 Corinthians 1-3
16 June 2024
Jesus Is God's Power & Wisdom (mp3) Part 2
1 Corinthians 3-4
23 June 2024
Glorify God With Your Body (mp3)
1 Corinthians 5-6
30 June 2024
Paul On Marriage (mp3)
1 Corinthians 7
7 July 2024
"Love" Is More Important Than "Liberty" (mp3)
1 Corinthians 8-9
14 July 2024
Just Because We Can, Doesn't Mean We Must Or Even Should (mp3)
1 Corinthians 10
21 July 2024
28 July 2024
4 August 2024
11 August 2024
18 August 2024
25 August 2024