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Into The Word is the verse-by-verse, radio, Bible teaching ministry of Thomas J. Short, Preaching Minister to the Elkhart East Christian Church in northern Elkhart County, Indiana, U.S.A. Into The Word airs at 8 PM (Monday-Friday) on Pulse FM, broadcasting out of South Bend, Indiana, and serving all of Michiana.

This Week On Into The Word (Series Six)
(Access The Series Six Program Archive As It Grows)
Episode 0084 (MP3)
Leaving The Promised Land
14 October 2024 Genesis 45:21-46:27
Episode 0085 (MP3)
Israel Makes Egypt His/Their Home
15 October 2024 Genesis 46:28-47:18
Episode 0086 (MP3)
Israel's & Joseph's Death Deal
16 October 2024 Genesis 47:13-48:6
Episode 0087 (MP3)
Israel's Blessing Of Ephraim & Manasseh
17 October 2024 Genesis 48:5-49:1
Episode 0088 (MP3)
The Sons Of Israel
18 October 2024 Genesis 49:1-13
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Old Testament MP3 Program Archives Home Page New Testament MP3 Program Archives
Various PDFs
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Sermons/Studies At Elkhart East Christian Church
Chronological Companion to the Bible (January 2021 Revision)

"Personal Testimony Of The Apostle Paul"

Bible Overview Handout (PDF Handout)

Tabernacle Symbolism

Holy Spirit Handout

Church Discipline Flowchart (2010)

"Living in the Last Days" Prophecy Seminar Notes (2019)
Click here for 2021-2024 Sunday School
Currently: Basic Bible Training

Click here for 2024 Sermon Series
Currently: Letter From An Afflicted Apostle - 2 Corinthians

Click here for 2024 Wed PM Study Series
Currently: "The Rest Of The Story...O.T. That Is" - The Stories Of Esther, Ezra & Nehemiah
** 2019 Photo Of Thomas At Caesarea Philippi **      Jesus said, "...the laborer is worthy of his wages." (Luke 10:7)  If you find these materials useful and would like to give a little something to this laborer as a "Thank You" gift, then click the PayPal emblem on the right & send whatever you think appropriate.  Thanks for supporting me in my on-line Bible teaching!

** Thomas Signature **

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  Please be aware that the personal, financial gifts made to Thomas through this site are NOT tax deductible. To make tax deductible donations to the ministry of Into The Word, please use the contact information for the Elkhart East Christian Church, specifically designating your gift for "Into The Word."
Pray for Israel & The Middle East Right Now.
Lord Willing, Tour There With Thomas Next May.

A new tour brochure will be available once things settle down in the Middle East.
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND GENERAL DISCLAIMER: The audio/video content of the Into The Word programs archived on this site, together with the written content of the PDFs presented above, are the sole intellectual property of Thomas J. Short and may not be used in whole or in part without specific attribution. They do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of the other staff, leaders and members of the Elkhart East Christian Church.

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Thanks so very much, Ken & Rebecca!