MP3 Archives For Revelation
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Episode 1083 (MP3)
The Revelation Of Jesus
27 March 2024 Revelation 1:1-8
Episode 1084 (MP3)
Jesus Writes To The Seven Churches Of Roman Asia
28 March 2024 Revelation 1:9-16
Episode 1085 (MP3)
The Revealed Jesus Described
29 March 2024 Revelation 1:12-20
Episode 1086 (MP3)
Matters Related To Studying Unfulfilled Prophecy
1 April 2024
Episode 1087 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letter To The Church At Ephesus
2 April 2024 Revelation 2:1-7
Episode 1088 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letters To The Churches At Smyrna & Pergamum
3 April 2024 Revelation 2:8-17
Episode 1089 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letters To The Churches At Thyatira & Sardis
4 April 2024 Revelation 2:18-3:6
Episode 1090 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letters To The Churches At Philadelphia & Laodicea
5 April 2024 Revelation 3:7-22
Episode 1091 (MP3)
God's Heavenly Throne Room
8 April 2024 Revelation 4:1-7
Episode 1092 (MP3)
John Sees A Seven-Sealed Scroll In The Hand Of The Father
9 April 2024 Revelation 4:1-5:6
Episode 1093 (MP3)
Only The Lamb Of God Can Open The Scroll Of Final Wrath
10 April 2024 Revelation 5:1-6:2
Episode 1094 (MP3)
The First Five Seals Introduce Key Players In The Drama To Come
11 April 2024 Revelation 6:1-14
Episode 1095 (MP3)
The Breaking Of The 6th Seal Is The Beginning Of The 3 1/2 Year Day Of The Lord
12 April 2024 Revelation 6:12-7:8
Episode 1096 (MP3)
God's Final Wrath Begins
15 April 2024 Revelation 7:1-8:5
Episode 1097 (MP3)
The First Four Trumpets Announcing God's Wrath
16 April 2024 Revelation 8:1-9:1
Episode 1098 (MP3)
The 5th & 6th Trumpets Of God's Final Wrath
17 April 2024 Revelation 9:1-19
Episode 1099 (MP3)
The 6th Trumpet Of God's Final Wrath
18 April 2024 Revelation 9:13-11:1
Episode 1100 (MP3)
God's Two Witnesses
19 April 2024 Revelation 11:1-10
Episode 1101 (MP3)
The Two Witnesses & The Seventh Trumpet
22 April 2024 Revelation 11:3-19
Episode 1102 (MP3)
John's Vision Of The Woman & The Dragon
23 April 2024 Revelation 11:19-12:7
Episode 1103 (MP3)
Satan & His Angels Cast From Heaven
24 April 2024 Revelation 12:7-14
Episode 1104 (MP3)
The Woman, The Dragon & The Two Witnesses
25 April 2024 Revelation 12:13-13:2
Episode 1105 (MP3)
The Beast From The Sea
26 April 2024 Revelation 13:1-4
(Daniel 7:1-7)
Episode 1106 (MP3)
Decoding The Beast
29 April 2024 Revelation 13:5
(Daniel 2:36-45; 7:7)
Episode 1107 (MP3)
The Boastful Horn In Daniel Is The Beast Leader In Revelation
30 April 2024 Revelation 13:5-8 (Daniel 7:7-25)
Episode 1108 (MP3)
Decoding The Beast Leader
1 May 2024 Revelation 13:1-10
Episode 1109 (MP3)
Introducing The False Prophet
2 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-15
Episode 1110 (MP3)
Decoding The False Prophet
2 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-14; 17:1-18
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)
Episode 1111 (MP3)
The Origin Of The Papacy
6 May 2024 Revelation 13:11
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-9)
Episode 1112 (MP3)
More Decoding Of The False Prophet
7 May 2024 Revelation 13:11; 17:1-15
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
Episode 1113 (MP3)
Putting It All Together
8 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-17; 17:15-18
Episode 1114 (MP3)
The 144,000 In Heaven With Jesus
9 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-14:5
Episode 1115 (MP3)
Three Public Service Announcements From God Via His Angels
10 May 2024 Revelation 14:6-13
Episode 1116 (MP3)
Personal Prophetic Speculation Regarding The Jewish Calendar
13 May 2024 Revelation 14:14-20
Episode 1117 (MP3)
A Little More Personal Prophetic Speculation Based On The Jewish Calendar
14 May 2024 Revelation 15:1-3
Episode 1118 (MP3)
The Beginning Of The Bowls Of God's Final Wrath
15 May 2024 Revelation 15:1-16:7
Episode 1119 (MP3)
The First Six Wrath Events Described In Parallel
16 May 2024 Revelation 16:1-12//Revelation 8:6-9:14
Episode 1120 (MP3)
Jerusalem Overrun & The Two Witnesses Killed After The Sixth Wrath Event
17 May 2024 Revelation 16:13-16//9:13-21
(Zecharaiah 14:1-5)
Episode 1121 (MP3)
Har Mageddon, The 7th Wrath Event & The Second Coming
20 May 2024 Revelation 16:16-21
Episode 1122 (MP3)
Second Coming Passages
21 May 2024 Revelation 16
Episode 1123 (MP3)
Babylon & The Beast
22 May 2024 Revelation 17:1-18:1
Episode 1124 (MP3)
Babylon Has Fallen
23 May 2024 Revelation 18:1-24
Episode 1125 (MP3)
The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb
24 May 2024 Revelation 19:1-10
Episode 1126 (MP3)
Preparing For Har Mageddon
27 May 2024 Revelation 19:11-16
Episode 1127 (MP3)
No Surprise...Jesus Wins!
28 May 2024 Revelation 19:11-20:4
Episode 1128 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Amos 9
29 May 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1129 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Hosea 1 & 2; Micah 4; and Isaiah 11
30 May 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1130 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Isaiah 11 & 12 and 25 & 26
31 May 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1131 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Isaiah 27 & 35
3 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1132 (MP3)
Millennial Passenges - Isaiah 43 & 44; Joel 3
4 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1133 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Jeremiah 30 & 31; Ezekiel 40ff
5 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1134 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Ezekiel 40ff; Zechariah 14
6 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1135 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Zechariah 13 and Zephaniah 3
7 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1136 (MP3)
O.T. Background For Gog & Magog (Ezekiel 37:1-28)
10 June 2024 Revelation 20:7-10
(Series 4 Programs Appear Below)
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Gog & Magog Uprising - Program C1153 (MP3) 22 January 2020 Revelation 20:4-12
Resurrection & Judgement of the Unrighteous Dead - Program C1154 (MP3) 23 January 2020 Revelation 20:11-21:12
New Jerusalem - Program C1155 (MP3) 24 January 2020 Revelation 21:12-22:21